LLC student expectations for field [New Data]

Last updated : Aug 1, 2022
Written by : Garry Cazeau
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LLC student expectations for field

What are your goals for field placement?

To broaden each student's understanding of issues related to social and economic justice. To introduce the student to various populations at risk. To connect theories of human development with the practice setting. To gain a beginning understanding of agency policies and services.

What are the expectations of a student from university?

  • In college, you are expected to take responsibility for your education.
  • Organize your time and tasks.
  • You should set a goal to attend every class in every subject.
  • Know the name and course number of your classes and also the name of your instructor.

What do you gain from field experience?

A field experience is an opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom with supervised practice in the field. The primary model of field instruction is a concurrent model, meaning you take classes at the same time you are in the field.

How do I incorporate my interests as a student?

  1. Connect what you're teaching to real life.
  2. Use students' interests and fascinations.
  3. Give students choices.
  4. Hook their interest with fun transitions.
  5. Teach students self-monitoring skills.

What are the objectives of field work?

Fieldwork is designed to provide the student with an opportunity for a practical, “real world” experience for the purpose of developing direct leadership, programming, and administrative skills sufficient for entry into a professional career.

What is the purpose of field work?

Field work is the process of observing and collecting data about people, cultures, and natural environments. Field work is conducted in the wild of our everyday surroundings rather than in the semi-controlled environments of a lab or classroom.

What are some expectations for a course?

  • Weekly routine: What do you expect students to do on a weekly basis?
  • Flexibility: How much flexibility will you allow in grading, assignment topics, and so on?
  • Attendance policies: What is your attendance policy (if any) for synchronous sessions?
  • Late policies: Will you accept late work?

What is an example of expectation?

An example of expectation is a belief that you will be getting promoted. An example of expectation is a belief that you should behave as a proper lady or gentleman. The prospect of the future; grounds upon which something excellent is expected to occur; prospect of anything good to come, especially of property or rank.

What are examples of academic expectations?

  • Student Academic Expectations and Responsibilities.
  • Develop an academic plan.
  • Read and understand the syllabus for each course you are enrolled in.
  • Develop your own set of study skills, and use them regularly.
  • Come to class prepared.
  • Take full advantage of available academic resources.
  • Participate in your own education.

What are the examples of field of experience?

Examples of field experiences include: assisting teachers, administering assessments, tutoring individual students, or teaching in small and large group settings. As part of the field experiences training, students are expected to practice in a variety of settings and grade levels.

What are field experiences?

What is field experience and the purpose of them? Field experiences involve activities completed outside of the college classroom which correlates to and supplements the content being taught in that course.

How do you write a field experience report?

  1. Systematically observe and accurately record the varying aspects of a situation.
  2. Continuously analyze your observations.
  3. Keep the report's aims in mind while you are observing.
  4. Consciously observe, record, and analyze what you hear and see in the context of a theoretical framework.

What are your obligations as a student?

Be responsible for their mistakes. Respect the teacher during class. Keep their mouths closed during lectures. Be respectful in the classroom.

What are the basic needs of a student?

Basic needs refer to the most essential resources required to thrive as a student including safety, food, housing, financial health and overall wellness (physical, psychological, and spiritual). For students to be active and engaged learners, it is important that their basic needs are met.

What students need the most?

  • Every student needs self-knowledge.
  • Every student needs inspiring models–and modeling.
  • Every student needs to know how to learn.
  • Every student needs feedback.
  • Every student needs creative spaces, tools, and opportunities.
  • Every student needs ideas (or the chance to share their own).

What is the importance of field study education?

For students, field studies create opportunities for first-hand experiences that encourage critical thinking, long-term retention, transfer potential, positive attitudes towards science, appreciation for nature, and increased scientific curiosity.

How do you conduct field work?

  1. Identifying and obtaining a team of researchers who are specialized in the field of research of the study.
  2. Identifying the right method of field research for your research topic.
  3. Visiting the site/setting of the study in order to study the main subjects of the study.

What is the importance of field work in social work?

The purpose of the field practicum is to provide students the opportunity to work in a professional setting to develop and demonstrate skills in social work, to integrate the theories and practices learned in and out of the classroom, to develop a sense of commitment to the social work profession and Code of Ethics, to ...

Which is the biggest advantage of the field study?

In sum, the major benefits of field research are the following: It yields very detailed data. It emphasizes the role and relevance of social context. It can uncover social facts that may not be immediately obvious or of which research participants may be unaware.

What is field work in education?

What is fieldwork? The objective of the fieldwork experience is to connect course content to practical application in classroom teaching. The student will be able to identify and observe/use instructional best practices, lesson planning, lesson delivery, differentiation, assessment, and reflection.

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LLC student expectations for field

Comment by Angie Mar

welcome to the MSW foundation semester I am dr. Shira Williams Jennings I have been a member of the faculty at the G C SW since 2004 prior to pursuing my PhD I worked as an MSW for seven years in the fields of mental health social entrepreneurship and medical Social Work in each of these settings I often found myself to be the only social worker at the table to be effective I had to learn how to communicate with different people from different disciplines and backgrounds I had to be respectful in order to receive respect and I had to be professional in this video lecture I will discuss professionalism and expectations for your behavior as a graduate student and the Graduate College of Social Work Social Work is a helping profession this illustration shows some ideas about professionalism you see the word true professionalism is about truth you see the term the courage to care professionalism as a social work means caring it's about people your clients and your career because Social Work is a helping profession professional behavior is required take a moment to consider what professional behavior means to you another consideration when thinking about Social Work as a helping profession is to distinguish professional helping from personal helping as a social worker you are a professional helper your work is guided by rules values ethics and guidelines it's also dictated by competence and standards for practice and behavior professional helping often gets confused with personal helping my guess is that one of the things you wrote in your essay when you applied to this college was that you want to help people and my guess is that you've been a lifelong helper in our lifelong helping we often engage in personal helping behaviors and so it's going to be really important for you to be able to separate your personal helping activities from your professional helping activities it's really easy to become attached to a client and want to do things personally to help that go beyond the scope and realm of your role as a social worker in the agency and so you must as a professional choose to be a professional helper and not a personal helper I mentioned that social work is guided by values and ethics here I would like to discuss briefly six core values of our Social Work profession you have chosen to pursue an MSW which means that you will be joining the Social Work profession our profession is characterized by these set of core values that are outlined in our professions code of ethics the first is service as a social worker you must be prepared to serve the second social justice social justice in Capp you encapsulate smen e things such as racial justice economic justice and political justice in your role as a social worker it's important to always bring a lens of social justice to the things that you do and to think about ways in which you may be able to advocate for the delivery of social justice to your clients the third dignity and worth of the person is really important even when working with who may not be able to make the best decisions on their behalf it is important to remember that they are human and that they are worthy of dignity and respect and to allow them to provide input in the decisions that we make for them fourth is the importance of human relationships as social workers we value the relationships that we have with other people other people include your peers your classmates your professors the staff in the GC SW your field supervisor the people that you work with in that agency as well as the clients fourth is integrity I've often been told that at the end of the day your integrity is all that you have when everything else is gone and so establishing yourself as a practitioner who works in integrity and with integrity is really important and the sixth core value is competence which is one of the major reasons why you are here you are here to become a competent and effective social worker and it's your responsibility as a professional to only do the things in which you have competence or in which you are developing competence your MSW education is your preparation for the Social Work profession while matriculating through your coursework at the GC SW you will be engaged in a number of activities you will be gaining knowledge through your readings and assignments and in-class activities you will be developing skills and professional behaviors and your field experience settings as well as in the classroom and you will be socialized into the profession there are certain social skills written and unwritten rules that you will need to understand in order to develop into a competent professional social worker so this preparation starts in the classroom the classroom is a setting in which perhaps professional behaviors are practiced and can be developed if we look at the illustration on this slide the client says to the doctor would it be possible for you to treat me as a human being you'll see that the doctor is actually looking at a screen on which the clients face is Illustrated so the doctor is interacting with the screen instead of the client which brings me to my first point about classroom behavior the use of computers computers are very valuable and helpful tools and they allow us to experience the world through the internet but it's important to think about how you use your laptop in the classroom as an instructor who is standing before you in a class lecturing engaging you in discussions facilitating activities I want your undivided attention I don't want you looking at your computer we understand that you might want to use your computers to take notes or to follow along with lecture notes and that's fine but to be engaged in things like Facebook and Twitter and snapchat and managing email and doing homework for other classes is unprofessional and inappropriate another aspect of professionalism in the classroom is to arrive for class on time this is often a challenge for students given that we live in Houston traffic is always unpredictable weather is always unpredictable and faculty understand that but repeated patterns of lateness are unprofessional and unacceptable if you've ever worked think about the importance of showing up to work on time as a faculty member my work is teaching you in the class and so beginning my job on time is very important late arrivals are disruptive not only to the instructor but to your classmates another important attribute of professionalism in the classroom is respecting due dates and respecting deadlines at the beginning of the semester you all receive a syllabus that clearly states deadlines and due dates for things it is important to turn these things in on time it speaks to your ability to be reliable and responsible we also want to express our thoughts and ideas with respect this is professional communication sometimes we have to communicate things that are disagreeable or that are unpopular and you have every right to do so we just ask that you do it with an element of respect another point about professionalism in the classroom is the quality of your work don't submit things that ar

Thanks for your comment Angie Mar, have a nice day.
- Garry Cazeau, Staff Member

Comment by Deandra

you already know whether or not this will be a good talk social psychologist Nalini embody conducted a study in which she gave students 3 10 second video clips of a teacher with the sound turned off she then had the students evaluate the teachers effectiveness based just on those 10-second clips her findings showed that the teacher evaluations made at the end of the course closely matched the evaluations made in those first 10 seconds so again you already know whether or not this will be a good talk you've already decided but what if our expectations didn't just predict reality but created it this idea has implications for all of us but it's especially true in our schools educational researcher dr. John Hattie published a massive international study including over 1,200 meta analyses containing over 50,000 studies with the student population size of over 80 million in his research he examined just under two hundred influences impacting student achievement using a common measure called effect size he found that an effect size of 0.4 was equivalent to making one year's growth in a year here just a few of the influences Hattie studied and their accompanying effect size now you can see some of these are outside of a school's control things like home environment and socioeconomic status both of which have an effect size of 0.5 7 meaning just those things alone the home environment the socioeconomic status will lead to over a year's worth of growth before a student even walks into the door other things are within the school's control other things are within a classroom control you see some things like homework has an effect size of 0.29 well has an effect size of negative 0.34 so what had he found in his research was that almost everything leads to improvement but some things much more than others so the question is not what leads to improvements in student achievement but what impacts student achievement most so we can concentrate our efforts there so what's at the top well of the nearly 200 influences had he studied the number one influence with an effect size of one point six two which is equivalent to the potential of unlocking nearly four years worth of growth in a year teacher estimates of student achievement teachers estimates of the abilities of their students had an impact on the actual level of achievement that they received this is both exciting and terrifying we wield enormous power in our expectations because when we project our expectations on to our students day in and day out consistently eventually our students start to believe us and they start to adopt those expectations of themselves because what's intriguing here is that while teacher estimates of student achievement had the highest effect size another influence closely following with an effect size equivalent to unlocking nearly three years worth of growth with student expectations of themselves students achieve at the level they expect of themselves so we have these two super influences here teacher estimates of student achievement and student expectations of themselves and these two things woven together have the potential to unlock enormous growth in our students and can be the catalyst to great change in our schools but this isn't just about our schools how does this idea apply to you what do you expect from the people around you what do you expect from the people you work with from the people you lead what do you expect from yourself and if our expectations create reality then what is the reality we are co-creating here are we satisfied my friends I believe our world is desperate for a new creation in my work I see children adolescents teenagers crying out for new expectations not just higher expectations but expectations of greater depth so what do we do with this information how do we identify our expectations how do we monitor them and when necessary how do we change them well I have three ideas for you to consider number one protect your lens low expectations is a black hole that pulls you in so slowly you don't even know you're being crushed nor that you're crushing those your intended to serve now this slow pull of low expectations can look different in different organizations and different environments but at a school it might look something like this it's near the end of the year one teacher approaches another and may say something like I hear you're getting Johnny next year well let me tell you about Johnny Johnny is lazy Johnny's got nothing to come in for him at home Johnny just doesn't want to learn it's almost as if this teacher says here I see this student through a lens of low expectations and I'm going to pass it along to you and too often we accept it do not avoid those conversations where the seeds of low expectations are planted avoid the locations where those conversations take place and when possible of the people who spread those seeds to a challenge for you the next time you see a teenager walking down the street perhaps with the shock of bright purple dyed hair hanging over their face perhaps with a lot of tattoos or piercings or perhaps god forbid with their pants hanging a few inches lower than their waistline stop and take a moment move any snap judgments and preconceived notions from the shadows of mindlessness and into the light of awareness observe them and then exchange them with something new and beautiful now there's a term for this for this observation of one's own thoughts for the shining shining a light onto your own awareness it's called mindfulness practice mindfulness now unfortunately this term mindfulness is being thrown around and used so often today that some might consider just another passing fad that will come and go it's not just because something is new to us doesn't mean that it's new mindfulness has been around for thousands of years in a variety of different terms or whatever you want to call it mindfulness is the strengthening of our muscles of awareness and observations at the school I work our teachers are currently completing an eight-week course on mindfulness and meditation so that they can become more aware of their own observations their own habits of mind their own implicit biases so that they can be better teachers so that they can be better humans this is something that any organization can do but you don't have to wait for this to be set up for you it's a practice that you can seek on your own and finally consider this if I were to say to you black people these days are lazy that would be shockingly racist and I would hope and assume that someone would stand up and speak out against me if I were to say to you women these days are lazy that would be sexist and I would hope someone would confront me and speak truth to me if I were to say to you kids these days are lazy what would the response be would it be different I would hope that someone would speak out against me but I'm afraid they might not and some of the conversations or situations where kids these days type of statement has been made there's sometimes been silent consent or even outright agreement somehow this ageism or more specifically th

Thanks Deandra your participation is very much appreciated
- Garry Cazeau

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